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The black market consists of a number of heavily encrypted message boards that can be accessed from specific terminals at the team's HQ and on the command deck of the starship. Purchase can also be made indirectly from units planet side which are then proxied via the command centre to the computers on the command deck to be actioned.
The prices do fluctuate across the various boards, in line with wider market supply and demand drivers. You may find the specific items either briefly surge in price, or, conversely may be heavily discounted for a short time, especially when being purchased in bulk. There may also be rare occasions when specific technology is not currently available. All of these conditions are transient, if they are causing an issue, simply check back at a later time.
Whilst officially, this is a breach of the rules of engagement as laid down by Titan Corp and agreed by all parties, in practice, it is widely acknowledged to take place and you will be unlikely in the extreme to suffer any negative consequence should you be caught! There is growing suspicion that Titan Corporation, via numerous shell organisations, are instrumental in supplying large chunks of the technological research available via the boards - none of which has yet been proven, of course...
Black Ops missions officially do not exist - as with the black market, the rules of both engagement emphatically deny them and strictly prohibit partaking in them, should they exist. Also as with the black market, Titan Corp is suspected of profiting heavily off the back of these engagements and takes little to no action in preventing them.
Operating alongside your official mission mandate to progress through the ranks, working ever higher to obtain increasingly damning evidence, the black ops missions offer a means for your same team to take part in additional missions that can be much more tailored to suit your current skill set and tech level.
You can search through any number of elicit missions, filtering your search parameters by team, level of technology, island, etc,. You can also advertise your own missions for other teams to partake in, specifying any number of entry criteria that applicants must meet, including minimum and maximum levels of technology.
One notable difference with these missions, compared to campaign missions, is that all teams will be capped to start at the level of technology specified by the mission initiator. This has universally been agreed as the most reasonable method of stopping a high power team eradicating newcomers out of the gate. For such an otherwise unregulated environment, this rule appears to be sacrasant!
You are extremely unlikely to find historical artifacts in these missions as the respective teams typically have no backer - they are taking part for personal gain. You may well, however, find an abundance of technological artifacts here... just be sure you go on to win if you want to keep them!!!
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