Challenging yet fun gameplay...
At its heart, this game is being created with the aim of recapturing that elusive experience from the golden age of gaming, when a game’s systems would be balanced seamlessly to intensify the rush of taking on a challenge and then feeling that burst of excitement when you succeed.
We believe in creating gameplay that is tough, but fair and well-balanced, which dedicated players can master over time without resorting to the handholding dumbing-down seen in many modern games. Project Titan is being designed to have lasting entertainment appeal and we hope you will agree!
High single, and multi-player replayability...
Any given map will not yield the same gameplay twice; the RTN heat map topology will be procedurally generated to be different every time, as will weather conditions and resource availability - all of which will fundamentally change the type of tactics and strategies that should be employed.
Alternatively, players hosting multiplayer games will be able to configure a wide range of parameters to customise their map and gameplay settings to an even finer level of detail.
A large number of maps with diverse biomes...
You will fight your campaigns over many unique maps of varying sizes, across a diverse range of biomes featuring time of day changes, seasonal variations, weather, terrain types, and more, as well as visiting an orbiting space station and the Titan Corp home world.
In addition to the outside battlefield, you will also take the fight indoors, sending your troops to infiltrate enormous enemy facilities rising to dozens of stories high. And you might even encounter the native population of Entropy, who are none too happy about the wargame armies invading their planet.
Attention to detail at a grand scale...
Be it the face of the mountain with the most snow indicating the prevailing wind direction for optimal wind farm placement, or the effect that time of day and seasons have on the ambient temperature and therefore the effectiveness of thermal cameras and stealth, there are subtle clues and details carefully integrated throughout the game world to help enhance your gameplay, but some of them you must really look for!
In addition to the outside battlefield, you will also take the fight indoors, sending your troops to infiltrate enormous enemy facilities rising to dozens of stories high. And you might even encounter the native population of Entropy, who are none too happy about the wargame armies invading their planet.
Varied victory conditions...
For multiplayer matches, in addition to last team standing, options include: the most kill points, the most kill points AND least damage points, most area gained, most resources
Extensive research option...
There are around 50 unit and component types, and over 25 unique weapons, all of which have several unique aspects into which you can focus your research efforts based on your preferred strategies. Research activities accumulate across missions, spanning both the entire single player campaign and any multiplayer missions.
Significant unit customisation and profiles...
Every static and mobile unit has a defined number of weapon and component slots that can be equipped however you see fit, up to the unit’s maximum mass, power, research level, and thermal limits, and you can customise both the layout and the loadout of your units as you see fit. There will also be customisation options for the appearance of your units, with faction decals and colouring.
Fully immersive gaming...
Once you start a new game, every effort is being made to ensure you remain fully immersed in the game world and your characters - all maps, menus, system settings, etc are seamlessly integrated into the environment so that you don’t feel like you’ve been ripped back to the real world every time you access a map - it’s all woven into the story, the lore, and the overall design.
Comprehensive and detailed game world lore...
Considerable effort has gone into creating a comprehensive amount of imaginative world-building and lore to help you feel even more immersed in the game world, from a novella written by an established genre author covering the rise of Titan Corp. and the great war, to detailed data sheets for every unit, weapon, and component. Beautiful island maps and detailed star charts for all the systems involved in the historical artefacts will also ensure that your imagination will be very well fuelled!