The various facilities that can be deployed to support a given mission for the core backbone to the entire Resource Transport Network. They enable everything from command-and-control connectivity for all planet side units back to the command team in orbit, to primary power generation, to technological research. Facilities have a greater number of RTN interfaces than outposts, enabling wider mesh connectivity, and those interfaces have greater range and higher capacity. The careful, strategic placement of your facilities is instrumental in developing a robust and performant RTN to support your campaigns.
Additionally, if a building is disconnected from the RTN and has no path back to a command centre, you can’t issue any new orders to that unit, and it will be unable to forward orders on to any mobile units in comms range.
When it comes to planning the topology of the resource transfer network, play for the long game, not the quick wins; it is the single most important resource you own.
Outposts offer a much more diverse range of services to support your campaigns. In addition to providing garrison, servicing, and construction points for all mobile units, they can provide tactical supplementation for defence, power generation, and transporter coverage. They typically have a lower number of RTN interfaces, which, in turn, have slightly shorter range and lower capacity than the Facility counterparts. Similarly, their defensive capabilities and power consumptions are proportionally lower.